Panaiyur is the village which is around 45 kilomaters from Kanchipuram and 12 KMS from Arni, Thiruvannamalai Taluk, Tamil Nadu. India.
In This village around 120 years ago, one kannuku pillai of the village from maruthuvar community is living with his religious wife. Normally the maruthuvar community will serve to the village people like hair dressing and playing diving music in marriages. They will get food at morning and evening from all villagers.
There is a pro verb called " home visited by the maruthuvar will be in good position "
and also " the home not visited by maruthuvar will not be blessed by god"
Because the maruthuvar are the special son's of God shiva!!!!
One of the day the wife of kannukupillai forced to go to villagers home to collect the food for some unavoidable situations. ( Normally she will not go. because her husband is in a respectful post as village administrator and he and she was more religious to god and respected by all in the village. )
When she is collecting the food, some indecent persons in the village, commented
her with irrespectful words. This was hurt her very much.
She can't able to tolerate the words and prayed to god.
She was in very much love and respect with her husband and who was equivalent to god.
She was in deep thinking how to face the situation. She decided to commit suicide and did it by jumping in to fire. All the villagers assembled in the place immediately.
When she burned, her saree ( munthanai ) did not burned in the huge fire.
Villagers become surprised.
How a saree will not burnt when a human body burnt fully.
At that time a lady become unconsciousness. at that time her soul said, this burnt lady was "true pathini" that's why the saree was not able to fired.
Then the villagers understand that the lady is more divine and need to be praised like goddess.
Then the husband, collected the unburnt part of the saree and kept in a wooden box & started to treat it as equivalent god. He used to do pooja to it regularly.
Surprisingly. all good things will be done after appeal to the box.
So the persons in the community and village started to do pooja to the saree.
Mr. Periya samy and Mr.moorthy & brothers who is the next generations of Kannakuu pillai started to safe gaurd the saree and do poojas every Amavasai ( black moon )
All the villagers will take water from a well which was situated in the east of the village. They laid a swamy stone near to the well in the name of women who was burnt herself. she committed suicide by entering in to fire. So the villagers put name to the god as Thee Panchal Amman ( Theyil paiintha Ammal - the god jumped in to the fire ). Every one started to do the pooja to the temple stone.
all the important function in the maruthuvar community will be done after making pongal to this god only.
It become god to the villagers.
Then now Mr. Angappan periaya samy in the same village continue to do the Amavasai poojai to the box.
Mr. Balasubramaniam S/O Mr. Moorthy and Mr.Angappan S/O Mr.Periasamy taken keen steps to build a kovil to the God of Fire in 2007-2008.
The amman vigraha was made from a village near to polur.
The amman silai was ready, but the temple not constructed even the basement also not made.
The amman silai brought to Panaiyur village and kept in the old house where Mr. Periaswamy used to live.
The amman itself supervised the construction of civil work from basement to kumbabhisekam.
Mr. Balasubramaniam from chennai, was stationed in panaiyur and completed the all temple work witht he help of relatives like Mr.Ramalaingam, Mr. Angappan, Mrs. Kasthuri Angappan, Mr. Muniyappan etc..,
All their brothers like Mr. Annamalai, Mr. Ramalingam, Mr. Viswanath, Mr. Kabali, and their sisters and some of neibours in the village nad relatives contributed to build the temple. Finally it was constructed and kumbabishegam done well.
Mr. Balasubramaniam from chennai doen extra ordinary work to complete this work.... Finacially he is the highest contributor almost more than 80%....of total cost... god will give him all blessings and long life to him and his family.....
Now a poojari was appointed to do poojas once in a day
Still there are following works to be completed in the temple
1. Compound wall
2. Gopuram
3. Yearly once festival with annadanam
4. Jewels to Amman,
5. Dispaly boards
6. Proper road to the temple from main street etc.,,
Palnned to form a Trust to take forward temple works.
Address of the Temple:
C/O Mr. P. Angappan
Pillaiyar kovil street,
Panaiyur village and post
Arni Taluk,
Thiruvannamalai dist
Tamil nadu.
Phone no. +919952400428
Email: thoughts2020@gmail.com
All true prayers to this temple will be honoured by this Thee panchal Amman.
Let visit the place and get all blessings.
hearty welcome
Temple trust
Great temple
ReplyDeleteThis god has super power
ReplyDeleteWhat ever goods things you pray it will happen
I practiced it
i will keep on put my efforts to develops this temple till i live
ReplyDeletegod blessings will go to every one in this world
ReplyDeletethis is a true story
ReplyDeletegopuram was constructed and poojas conduacted one in a day.....
ReplyDeleteupdated contact no. +919952400428